- Good Practices
- Posted
Oral story
Additional Info
- Goal:
- Social communication
- Students age range:
- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- Curriculum area:
- Literacy
- Year period:
- Any moment
- Step by step description, including actions to be developed for preparation and implementation:
- This is how we retell a familiar story. The story I have used above is the story of the gingerbread man. First we read the children the story several times to get them used to it. We talk about the characters, the setting, the beginning/end of the story and use the same connectives throughout. For example.. first, then, next and finally. We also have makaton signs so that it helps to support our pupils with language barriers and children with ASD to understand the words. Next we map out the story and draw what happens in sequence. The story always starts with.... Once upon a time.... There was a old woman who lives? .....(where does old woman live) in a house..... One day she decided to make a gingerbread man... A short time later she heard a noise coming from the oven. She opened the door and then out jumps the gingerbread man and runs away singing “run run as fast as you can you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man.” This helps the children to retain the story and they all enjoy joining in with the repeated refrains which supports their reading, literacy and communication development.
- Resources to be used, including human resources, materials and spaces:
- A large roll of paper Felt tip pens. Makaton signs
- Difficulties found while implementing it:
- The teacher who is delivering the session will need support from TA’s to keep the children quiet and focused. We use quiet visuals and model good listening and good sitting techniques.
- The official webpage for the good practice:
- Wistaston academy
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